Canadian Bioethics Society
Société canadienne de bioéthique
Strengthening Interdisciplinary and inter-professional networks to pursue excellence in bioethics education, research and policy
National Health Ethics Week
November 3-9, 2024
National Health Ethics Week is a time Canadian health institutions, schools and universities, research and clinical ethics committees, healthcare professionals, community organizations, businesses, and members of the general public set aside to host and take part in educational events that explore health ethics that affect Canadians.
The goals of National Health Ethics Week are to:
Encourage events across the country to raise awareness and promote dialogue about bioethics ethics issues facing our communities;
Facilitate networking between individuals interested in bioethics;
Provide greater visibility for the services offered by the Canadian bioethics community, including research ethics boards and clinical ethics committees;
Offer an opportunity for Canadians to get engaged in discussions that have important policy-making implications in the health arena.
How Do I Participate?
All organizations, groups, and individuals who are interested in bioethics are invited to participate. The aim is to get Canadians thinking and talking about a variety of health ethics issues that are of interest or importance to their community – be creative!
Involvement in National Health Ethics Week is encouraged at a level relevant to and comfortable for you and your organization/group.
Examples of levels of participation:
Advertise the initiative by displaying a National Health Ethics Week poster in your workplace;
Distribute print materials;
Attend an event in your area or via live streaming;
Host a presentation;
Facilitate a lunchtime discussion group;
Organise a half-day workshop
Register your NHEW event
If you or your organization plans to host events for National Health Ethics Week, please let us know by filling out the registration form. We will post your event information here on our website to increase awareness. If your event will be live streamed and is open to the public, please provide the required information to log in.​​​
Who Should Participate?
All Canadian organizations/groups with an interest in health and healthcare are encouraged to participate by hosting an activity exploring a health ethics issue. Because of each group's unique association with the health system, everyone will have an important contribution to make and experience to share.
This includes:
Child and family service groups
Churches and religious organisations
Community-based health organisations/groups
Environmental organisations
Healthcare institutions
Health ethics committees
Health professional associations
Health-related businesses and corporations
Members of the public
Mental health agencies
Post-secondary institutions and schools
Regional health authorities and provincial boards
Research ethics boards
Social justice groups
More Information
For more information about National Health Ethics Week, please email