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The Constitution & By-Laws of the Canadian Bioethics Society were most recently revised at the Annual General Meeting in May 2020.


Article 1: Name


 1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Canadian Bioethics Society - Société Canadienne de Bioéthique.


Article 2: Objectives


2.1 The Society shall be managed efficiently and democratically by a Board which is responsible to the general membership.


2.2 The Society shall provide a forum for interested professionals to exchange ideas and address problems in bioethics. It shall promote the teaching of bioethics at all levels of undergraduate, post-graduate and continuing education.  Research and publication in bioethics, the provision of ethics information for practicing professionals and for the general public, and the promotion of public dialogue and engagement regarding bioethics issues shall be encouraged. The Society’s activities and structure shall be reflective of the diversity of areas of bioethics inquiry and practice, including theory, policy and research, as well as clinical applications.


2.3 The Society will be bilingual in nature and proceedings.  Membership will be encouraged and welcomed from both English and French language groups; official documents of the Society will be prepared and provided in both English and French, and participants at meetings may speak in English or French.


2.4 The business of the Society shall be conducted without a purpose of financial gain for its members.  Any profit of the Society shall be used in promoting its objectives



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