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Canadian Association of Practicing Healthcare Ethicists – Association canadienne des éthiciens en soins de santé


CAPHE-ACESS is a voluntary professional association whose members have an interest in pursuing or contributing to the professionalization of practicing healthcare ethicists in Canada.  


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What is the purpose of CAPHE-ACESS?


The purpose of CAPHE-ACESS is to promote excellence in healthcare ethics practice. 


Why is CAPHE-ACESS doing this work?


The overarching aim of CAPHE-ACESS is to improve healthcare ethics practice, develop a shared definition of what we do as practicing healthcare ethicists, and promote high standards in how we are prepared for and engage in our practice.  â€‹


Definition of Practicing Healthcare Ethicist (PHE):


A practicing healthcare ethicist has dedicated work responsibilities within a healthcare organization to provide a variety of ethics-related services which include more than one of the following: clinical and/or organizational ethics consultation; policy development and/or review; ethics education for staff; management of ethics programs (including clinical ethics committees); mentoring of staff/learners; and conducting research ethics consultations.


This definition is not intended to include those whose primary ethics-related responsibilities are academic scholarly work and/or involvement with research ethics boards.


Who do I contact for more information?


Please visit us at or contact us at for more information.

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