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CBS-SCB Anti-Oppression & Anti-Racism Working Group


Following a unanimously approved motion at the 2020 Annual Business Meeting, CBS-SCB created its CBS-SCB Anti-Oppression & Anti-Racism (AOAR) Working Group (WG). The group began as a Board subgroup, with specific Officers of the Board identified within the original motion as essential members; however, this was quickly expanded to include other members interested in and passionate about progressing this work. The group now includes two Co-Chairs and six core members.


The AOAR WG set its initial objectives to be the creation of Terms of Reference, a Board Statement of Commitment to the work of embracing anti-oppressive and anti-racist actions, and an action plan.  See below for the first two items:


1. Statement of Commitment and Reaffirmation of Commitment  

2. Terms of Reference


The action plan is now being drafted and includes the creation of subgroups to lead each strand of work. Among the first actions are:

  • Planning and implementing a policy review using an anti-racist and anti-oppression framework.

  • Identifying concrete ways to encourage the integration of diversity issues and anti-oppression practices and frameworks at CBS events and activities.


The AOAR WG is seeking current CBS-SCB members to become involved in the anti-oppression and anti-racism work by joining one of the four subgroups below. Each committee will play an instrumental role in assisting the CBS-SCB on this journey towards promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


  1. Communications (dedicated to improving and promoting diversity and representation)

  2. Policies and Procedures (dedicated to improving policy-related issues)

  3. Membership (dedicated to reviewing and fostering diversity among the CBS-SCB membership)

  4. CBS-SCB activities and events (dedicated to improving access and representation)


We invite all CBS-SCB members who would like to contribute to shaping the work that lies ahead to contact us at - please indicate your preference(s) for sub-group involvement. 

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