Canadian Bioethics Society
Société canadienne de bioéthique
Strengthening Interdisciplinary and inter-professional networks to pursue excellence in bioethics education, research and policy
The CBS welcomes any individual or organization with an interest in ethical issues relating to human health and the biological sciences, to join and strengthen this cross-Canadian network.
Existing members come from all walks of life - health care professionals, academics/researchers, practicing ethicists and ethics committee members, students, journalists, public policy experts, retirees, writers, and many others, including, most importantly, members of the public and groups who are concerned that we treat each other and the environment in which we live, ethically.
Individual Membership
Includes Under/Unemployed and Retired
Individual membership is a means for individuals to network with peers, support an environment of collaboration and inclusive dialogue on bioethics issues, and advance the cause of bioethics in Canada.
Benefits to members include:
Eligibility for membership in a CBS Affiliate Group
Reduced rates on annual conference registration
Advance notice of selected bioethics events and opportunities
Opportunities to sit on the CBS Board
Voting privileges at Annual General Meeting
Eligibility for Lifetime Achievement and Distinguished Service Awards
Coming in 2020 - Access to the CBS Member Database, which facilitates networking between CBS members. It allows members to gain a better understanding of who does what in bioethics in Canada. Members can search for other members by name, province or city and by particular area of specialization. It is also possible to do individual searches to identify CBS members who are willing to be contacted by the media or to serve as mentors.
Individual Fees (One Year Membership):
Less than $35,000 Income $56.28
$35,000-$64,999 $106.92
$65,000-$79,999 $140.69
$80,000-$99,999 $180.08
$100,000-$149,999 $225.11
More than $150,000 $281.39
Retired $78.79
Student Membership
Student membership provides an opportunity for full-time undergraduate and graduate students working towards a terminal degree to advance their learning, networking and career opportunities in bioethics. The following benefits are available:
All the privileges of individual membership, in addition to:
Reduced rates for membership, conference rates and accommodations
Eligible for student abstract awards bursaries to attend the annual conference
Eligible to represent students in your region on various student organizing committees
Opportunities to sit on the CBS Board as a student representative
Eligibility for student networking opportunities
Eligibility for student mentorship opportunities and skill-building workshops
Student Fees (One Year Membership):
Student Membership: $45.02