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Collaborators & Affiliates


Institutional Collaborators

Our Institutional Collaborators demonstrate the importance of bioethics in Canada and elsewhere by promoting bioethics in their practices. CBS wishes to collaborate with these various types of organisations and institutions to underscore the commitment of CBS towards the development of bioethics in Canada and internationally. These collaborators are invited to share information via the CBS website and at the CBS annual general meeting to further inform members of the landscape of Bioethics in Canada and Internationally.


Current CBS Institutional Collaborators include: 


CBS affiliates are groups that have an interest in a specific bioethics issue, research area or other cluster of interest that lead to a need for more sustained and focused collegial interactions. This can be prompted by the need to share experiences, develop collaborations or other goals that promote bioethics practice and scholarship.


If you would like to establish an affiliate, please contact the CBS for more information. 


Current CBS Affiliates include: 

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